Companies do not grow under sterile laboratory conditions – they undergo comprehensive and profound processes of adaptation.
Globalization, automation, digital transformation, and the values and independent lifestyle of the Millennial Generation: The world of the working place is undergoing a fundamental transformation.
Today companies are under pressure to continuously undergo change due to market conditions. The network era offers not only open communication, but above all unimagined possibilities. This also applies for all those who respond to the diverse expectations of their customers.
But how? How do traditionally established companies manage the change into a different perspective and the transition to a new, modern organizational structure?
As senior interim I have the ability, and extensive experience from leading transition and the capacity to support organizational movement from inflexible structures and processes that affect their further development.
Advantage: I have no history in the company neither do I aspire a permanent position. My position is not based on hierarchy, only on expertise. And my stay correlates exactly to the achievement of the desired goal.
Progress requires a suitable solution at all times. It is crucial to create acceptance and motivation for a redesign and to allow for rethinking at all levels. And last but not least: to make sense. Because what counts is the most sensible result – for everyone.
Alexander Baruschke
More than 20 years’ experience in management, change and interim management on both first and second level – in medium-sized and large companies.
Company development and organisational structure and procedure optimisation – Methodology: Interim, Project and change management.
Line and interim responsibility as manager in the areas of sales (internal and field service), key account, call centre, marketing, purchasing, logistics and production.
In addition, mentor and neutral sparring partner for entrepreneurs who, for example, are faced with regulating their succession or other existential tasks.
Anyone who sees themselves confronted with profound changes in their business often try to find a new model, a progressive method or a modern way of thinking – and to establish the unusual based on dogmas. But that is a mistake. Anyone who has “tried everything” from an internal perspective fails to realize that life is faster than any plan.
The new terminology of organisations is: volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous, or ambivalent. These terms should only be considered isolated on paper. In reality, however, they are interacting in many ways and influence each other mutually. The question should not be which particular organization model that should be applied. The question should rather be: What do customers want, what does the market want and how quickly can your company adapt?
In order to arrive at an individually correct answer – to help to “Thrive!” to new growth, I use my knowledge from all areas of flexible interim, project and change management. And use all the components. What counts is from practice to practice.
I am skilled in the different approaches to organizational development, mentoring and new, suitable working methods and concepts for the working world of tomorrow. The focus is on organic growth rather than predicting or even controlling the future. I act in a realistic and holistic way.
The changed social mentality is developing a new way of thinking: the focus is on the human being – his/her wishes, concerns, interests. And together with the basis of building up the company from the customer and reconfirming it over and over again, I lead to the agreed goal by analysing precisely, far from methodological dogmas: progress, flexibility and thus constant competitiveness.
Baruschke. Interim. Unternehmen Bewegung.
Speersort 4 – 6
20095 Hamburg